Urban Reptiles’ Latest Posts
30 Biggest Tortoises Alive Today! Facts & More
I was curious to see what the largest tortoise species were, so I did some research and listed 30 of the largest tortoise species found some interesting facts. Currently the largest tortoise species is called Chelonoidis vandenburgh they can grow to a size between...
Are Salamanders Poisonous? – Danger for Humans & pets?
All Salamander species produce a poisonous secretion that emits deadly toxins from the specialized epidermal gland (the outer layer of skin). Due to this, they can pose a threat to humans and animals. Salamanders are poisonous (you have to ingest their...

Do frogs bite? – Does it hurt? – Quite interesting!
I was thinking of getting a new frog as a pet, and a question stumble in my mind! Do frogs bite, and does it hurt? I did a lot of research and made a remarkable discovery.Most species of Frogs don't bite. Only a few are known to bite, like the Pacman Frog and African...
Best Pet Amphibians
If you’re looking for a pet amphibian, then look no further than the ones featured in this article! We’ve listed all of the best pet amphibians you can get in one place and made it super easy for you to find more information on their care and what they are like...
Best Small Pet Lizards
If you’re looking for small pet lizard ideas, then this article is for you. We’ve taken the time to list some of the smallest pet lizards you can get in the pet trade, along with some general information on each one. Sometimes, small is much more practical. As...
Bearded Dragon Teeth
We all know that dragons have teeth in order to fight off evil and protect princesses from inadequate suiters, but do bearded dragons also have teeth? It doesn’t look like it, but looks can be deceiving. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into the topic of bearded dragon...
Bearded Dragon’s Third Eye?
The first question you probably want answered if you’re reading this post is the question; do bearded dragons have a third eye? The answer to this is; yes! Bearded dragons have a third eye, also called a parietal eye, pineal eye or solar eye. This is something seen in...
Ball Python vs Corn Snake – Which One Should I Go For?
If you’re looking for a pet snake, then both the ball python and the corn snake are often the first two that come up; and for good reason! Both of these snakes make wonderful pets and are also great snakes for beginners. But, which is best? In this article: Ball...
Best Pet Geckos
Geckos are great! There are so many different kinds and they make for great pets if you do your research beforehand. This article lists some of the best pet geckos available, so you can make a choice that’s right for you. Please note that this list is in no particular...
7 Of The Largest Pet Lizards – The Biggest Lizards You Can Own
Big pet lizards are not only impressive but also very entertaining. For some, the largest pet lizards are the most attractive as pets. If you’re one of these people who prefers large pet lizards, then this post is for you! When looking for a pet lizard, you may have...