Bearded dragons are extremely popular, so this bearded dragon care guide is a post we couldn’t leave out. Caring for bearded dragons isn’t all too hard, but you do need a lot of information to be able to care for them properly.
In this bearded dragon care guide, you’ll find all the information you’ll need to care for a beardie. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments so that other people can read the answers too!
If you feel like we missed something in this care guide, then please leave it in the comments or send us a message. We’re always looking to improve the resources we provide online.

Table of Contents
Bearded dragon as a pet
When it comes to pet reptiles, there’s one question that pops up more than any other: “do bearded dragons make good pets?”
Keeping a bearded dragon as a pet may seem dangerous since it’s a dragon and all… However, it’s not as dangerous as it may seem!
Bearded dragons actually make wonderful pets and are one of the most popular pet reptiles in the world. These, together with the leopard gecko are probably the two most common lizards that are kept as pets, and the easiest to get your hands on.
The bearded dragon
If you squint, they sort of look like dragons. Chubby, clumsy dragons that is!
However, they don’t come from the realm of lord of the rings. Bearded dragons natively come from Australia.
You probably knew this is you live there, but for the people who don’t…
They are a basking reptile and love to lay on hot rocks and branches to heat up.
The name bearded dragon is actually used to the whole pogona genus of lizards. This is a family of 8 slightly different lizard species.
Bearded dragon size and weight
A bearded dragon’s size depends on a lot of factors. That being said, they can get up to 60 centimeters long in the wild. In captivity, a bearded dragon’s size depends on their diet and their genes.
Bearded dragons can usually reach about the same size in captivity, and somewhere in the range of two feet is normal.
A bearded dragon usually weights somewhere between 300 and 500 grams. This number does fluctuate slightly though, and a bearded dragon that’s heavier or lighter doesn’t instantly mean they are unhealthy.
If your bearded dragon is too fat or skinny, you can usually see this very easily.
They eat mostly insects when they are young, but start eating more and more plant-based foods as they get older.
In captivity, these animals live to be about 7-10 years. Not extremely long, but still quite a substantial amount of time for a pet!
Are bearded dragons good pets?
Bearded dragons are one of the most common pet reptiles around! They are also probably one of the most beginner friendly reptile species that can be found.
No need to watch every “How to train a dragon”-movie to learn how to care for these little dragons!
They are very easy going, and a lot of information can be found on them. They are also an extremely common reptile species to own as a pet. This makes them all the easier as well since vets most likely have experience with them and you can find a lot of information about bearded dragon care.
The same can’t be said for all reptiles unfortunately!
Bearded dragons don’t have a lot of challenging needs and are very hardy. Of course, there’s always a chance you run into one or two problems, but in general, bearded dragons aren’t very difficult.
That being said, they do need quite a large enclosure. The larger the better, and the more area they get, the more natural behavior you will get to witness.
Apart from a large tank, they need the usual hides, water and feeding dishes, etc. It’s also great if you can provide them with some sort of basking rock or some branches. More on this in a little bit.
In the wild, bearded dragons are avid climbers. This is why branches and some rocks are great for your beardie. They really are very rewarding pets if you care for them well.
When it comes to handling, bearded dragons are also one of the best lizards.
Bearded dragons are generally very comfortable with you handling them. This is another reason why they are so popular as pets.
They are reptiles, so saying that they like being petted isn’t possible. However, they don’t mind it once they get used to you and tend to stay calm and relaxed when handled.
Bearded dragon costs
Bearded dragons aren’t very expensive. That being said, there are some exotic morphs that can fetch a hefty sum.
If you aren’t looking for anything too crazy, you can usually find a bearded dragon for around $30-$120, depending on the age of the animal.
The whole setup doesn’t have to be very expensive either, and you can usually get everything set up for about $100-$200.
The only thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to bearded dragons, as with all reptiles, is the heating.
It’s not too bad but heating a bearded dragon enclosure can add a couple of bucks per month to your electricity bill of course. Nothing too crazy though, unless you have an extremely extravagant setup.
One other thing to keep in mind is that, if you go for a juvenile beardie, you will be feeding them a lot while they’re young. This can make your bearded dragon costs rise quite a bit compared to if you go for an adult.
Do bearded dragons make good pets?
Bearded dragons make wonderful pets. They are an extremely rewarding species of lizard to keep, too.
If you are looking for the perfect reptile to start you off with, bearded dragons are a great choice.
They aren’t too difficult and are a very hardy species. Also, as we’ve already said, there’s a lot of information out there about bearded dragon care. We actually have a few in-depth articles on our site too!
Bear in mind that these little critters live to about 6-10 years of age in captivity. There have also been documentations of bearded dragons reaching ages in the 20’s though!
Also, you are going to have to feed them insects. If you’re not ok with this, it’s not a pet for you.
All in all, bearded dragons are a great species of lizard to have as a pet!
Is a bearded dragon a good beginner pet?
Yes. Bearded dragons are hardy reptiles and there’s a lot of information available on their care. Bearded dragons are wonderful pets for both beginners and more advanced reptile keepers!
Do bearded dragons show affection?
It depends on what you class as showing affection. They may enjoy you handling them and like your body heat and relax.
What do bearded dragons play with?
Some bearded dragons may play around with small balls. Just make sure the ball isn’t so small that they can eat it though. That being said, they aren’t dogs or cats!
How bad is a bearded dragon bite?
A bearded dragon bite can hurt a little bit, but it’s nothing to worry about. They also don’t bite easily and the chances of you getting bitten are very small.
Do bearded dragons need a lot of attention?
Only to maintain their enclosure and ensure proper living conditions. They don’t need affection like dogs or cats do, so are fairly low-maintenance in that regard.
Do bearded dragons like to be handled?
Some do, some don’t. It’s often more the fact that they like the heat your body provides, and not generally you handling them. That being said, bearded dragons are great lizards to handle.
Do bearded dragons sleep a lot?
Bearded dragons are diurnal, which means they sleep at night like us humans. During the winter they tend to sleep a lot more than throughout the rest of the year.
Bearded dragon habitat and cage setup
Learning how to set up a bearded dragon enclosure and what a bearded dragon tank size should be, are important parts of their care. Next in this article: What a bearded dragon’s favorite habitat is, and what the ideal bearded dragon cage setup is for you. Let’s dig in!
Bearded dragon terrarium style
The enclosure you get for your bearded dragon will ideally allow you to access it from the front. For both you and the beardie, this offers a much more pleasant experience.
When you come from the front instead of the top, your beardie will see you coming and won’t get startled. Also, it will allow you to access all areas of the enclosure much more easily, as well as make handling easier.
Obviously, if you go for a very large enclosure, or build your own, then coming from the top is less of a problem.
You can go for either glass or plastic models, just make sure that they are of high quality. Also, make sure that they are closed off well enough so that your bearded dragon can’t escape!
Bearded dragon cage setup
First and foremost, always make sure you set up your bearded dragon enclosure before you purchase one. Reptile’s really don’t make for the best impulse buys.
The terrarium
When it comes to a bearded dragon terrarium, there are a few things that can really make your life as a reptile keeper easier. You also need to make sure that you get a terrarium that’s the right size for your beardie, so that’s what we’re going to get into first.
Bearded dragon tank size
Bearded dragons need large tanks compared to its other popular counterpart: the leopard gecko. Beardies can always use more room and the more room you give them the more natural behavior you will see from your dragon.
Beardie baby tank size:
When bearded dragons are very small, a tank size of about 20 to 30 gallons will work fine. However, they eat a lot and grow quite quickly, so this won’t work for long!
Once they start getting a little bigger, they will quickly need to be moved to an enclosure that’s around 40 to 70 gallons.
Again, they won’t be there for long!
Because of bearded dragon’s voracious appetite and them needing feeding three times per day, a lot of people opt for an adult bearded dragon. They will need a larger cage, the larger the better.

Adult beardie tank size:
Adult bearded dragons are quite large and need a lot of room. A tank that’s 70-80 gallons works, but it’s really not ideal.
Ideally, these dragons will get an enclosure that’s more than 100 gallons. If you can build a large tank yourself then this would really improve their quality of life.
You can also offer them extra spaces or pens that you can move them to every once in a while. This will allow them to experience new things and will help keep things interesting.
As a reptile keeper, you have the responsibility to take the best care of your bearded dragons as possible. This is why supplying them with a larger terrarium is always the best way to go.
Bearded dragon substrate
When it comes to a bearded dragons substrate, there’s a lot of debate. The fact of the matter is though, that it’s all a matter of preference.
Don’t get too caught up in all those preferences you see in blog posts. Stick to the facts these blog posts give and look for the things that are commonly mentioned.
Even though we try our best to give you the absolute best resources we can, we’d still advise you to take a look at some of the other recourses online. This gives you a better knowledge of the pet reptile you’re getting and also gives you the opportunity to get your information from different sources.
Bearded dragon substrate options can be split into three categories.
The first and probably least preferred/healthy option for your bearded dragon is sand. This is usually sold as calcium sand or some kind of “reptile friendly” sand variety.
Although sand may seem like a great and natural option, it can cause a lot of problems for your beardie!
An impaction is pretty much when your beardy eats so much sand that it can’t get it out of its system. This means that their belly fills up with sand and never empties anymore.
As you can probably imagine, this can cause huge problems and even spell death to your bearded dragons!
Impaction is more common among younger bearded dragons than older ones. However, both young and old bearded dragons often love eating the sand anyway.
This is the main reason why sand is not recommended for bearded dragons, especially if you’re still a beginner.
If your bearded dragon gets an impaction, then the chances of them surviving without surgery are slim-to-none.
If you’re a more experienced reptile keeper then you may have experience keeping bearded dragons on sand. However, even though you can keep some bearded dragons on sand, it really depends on their character and doing so pretty much leaves its health to chance.
Bearded dragon on paper towels or newspapers
Using paper towels as bearded dragon substrate doesn’t sound like something ideal. However, apart from the awful look of it, keeping your bearded dragon on paper towels or newspaper works great.
Cleaning paper towel is easy and it’s very inexpensive. Newspapers work great too, or other forms of spam mail you get through your letterbox.
One thing that’s good to look out for is not keeping your bearded dragon in too sterile conditions if you plan on handling them or letting them use “playpens” or go outside from time to time.
However, spot cleaning the paper towels when necessary and then cleaning everything out regularly probably isn’t going to cause any problems like this.
Another downside is obviously the look of it. It doesn’t look very natural and, since most reptiles are display pets, this might ruin the look for you. The next option on this list will deal with this!
The last option for a bearded dragons substrate, is reptile carpet
Using reptile carpet as bearded dragon substrate works great. It offers the best of both worlds. It looks great and natural but doesn’t cause impaction as normal sand does.
Reptile carpet is pretty much a sheet where sand or other substrate has been glued on in some way.
Reptile carpet works great as bearded dragon substrate, but just make sure to replace the carpet after a few cleans. If it wears down too much then things can start hanging loose. This can cause your bearded dragon to get caught on it. As you can imagine, this can cause some problems.
Bearded dragon lighting
Bearded dragons are basking reptiles. This means that they love to lay out in the sun and absorb the heat. They are cold blooded like most reptiles, so need to be able to heat up and cool down in their terrarium. This is called thermoregulation.
Bearded dragon lighting is pretty simple, but there are a few things you need to be aware of. The first is that you need at least 2 bulbs for a bearded dragon, more of the enclosure is very large.
Bearded dragons need one bulb that provides heating to the enclosure, and another bulb that offers full-spectrum UVB rays. This latter bulb helps them to absorb vitamin D and helps to digest calcium properly.
If you have any experience with bearded dragons, you’ll know that they need their calcium!
The UVB bulb should be added to the basking site of your choice.
Bearded dragon basking temperature
A bearded dragon’s basking temperature can be around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. You should measure the temperature in their basking area regularly using a digital pointing thermometer.
The “hot end” of the enclosure should be about 30% of the enclosure, the rest provides a nice heat gradient which allows your bearded dragon to alter its temperature.
This is also the reason why you want to keep the basking spot on one end of the cage, and not in the middle.
By placing a large branch or rock underneath the bulb, this will warm up too when your beardie isn’t basking. They then have a nice and warm rock to come back to when they feel like warming up.
The cool end of the enclosure should be somewhere around the 80-degree mark. This can fluctuate slightly though, as in the wild.
Bearded dragon décor
Bearded dragon décor doesn’t need to consist of first-class designer sofas and tables, but it is nice for them to have some things to keep them mentally stimulated.
Things like branches and rocks work great in a bearded dragon enclosure, they look great too.
If you do plan on getting branches or rocks from outside, make sure to treat them before placing them in the cage. Things like pesticides or other harmful substances being introduced to the cage are not good for your beardie!
First, always wash the rocks or branches to ensure that any pesticides and other contaminants are removed. After this, place it in the oven at a moderate temperature for long enough for it to get uninhabitable for smaller insects, etc.
This will kill any insects that may still be in the wood. These insects could be covered in pesticides or even parasites.
You can also choose to buy the wood or rocks that have already been treated from your local pet store.
You can also use store-bought hides and décor, and even use things you make yourself from man-made materials!

Bearded dragon hides
Bearded dragons will preferably have multiple hides in their enclosure. This helps them to thermoregulate, even when they feel like spending time in their hide.
By placing a hide on the cold side, and another one on the warm side of the terrarium, your bearded dragon is able to choose between them.
You can buy hides online or in a pet shop, or you can build your own using stones and rocks you find (and treat!) yourself.
If you do create your own hide, then make sure that it’s stable!
If the hide can be pushed over, or even fall over by itself, then this can obviously be very dangerous for your dragon!
This goes for all décor you add to the enclosure.
Bearded dragon diet and feeding guide
There’s a lot to be said when it comes to bearded dragon feeding. Unlike a normal dragon where you can just throw the odd evil genius or ogre in their cave, bearded dragons are a little pickier.
In this bearded dragon feeding guide, you’ll learn everything from what to feed your bearded dragon to how to feed them. If you want to learn about all of this, then stay tuned!
Bearded dragon diet
The question always comes up: What do bearded dragons eat? And when it comes to a bearded dragon’s diet, the confusion is understandable.
A bearded dragons diet consists of both insects and plant-based foods like vegetables and fruits.
Who would guess that dragons could tango with a mango and eat a peach on the beach!
Fruit isn’t their staple food though, so don’t get your hopes up for a vegetarian reptile. Beardies eat mostly insects when they are young, and they have a huge appetite.
As they start to age, they move more towards the veggies and fruits.
What to feed bearded dragons
Bearded dragons should be fed a mix of insects and vegetables. When they are younger, they should be getting more insects, but as they get older, vegetables become more of a staple.
They also need a good supplement too, to prevent any health issues from sprouting up.
Most reptiles that you can keep as pets eat insects. This is one of the things that make beardies quite unique when it comes to their diet.
You won’t see a leopard gecko munching on a piece of broccoli, or a ball python digging into some sweet potato. Bearded dragons love it though and are more than happy chow down.
How often to feed bearded dragon?
Bearded dragons need to be fed regularly. There’s a difference to babies, compared to older beardies though.
How often to feed baby bearded dragons?
Baby bearded dragons can be fed up to three times per day. They are quite the voracious eaters when compared to other reptiles.
Where most reptiles are ok with being fed a few times per week, beardies are quite the foodies.
In most cases, it’s fine to just feed juveniles by adding insects into the enclosure. They will then eat until they are full.
Never feed your baby bearded dragons’ prey that’s larger than its head. Since they are always so hungry, they will usually still try to eat it. This can lead to problems and injuries, so don’t attempt it.
Note: Do remember to remove the insects after they are done feeding. Certain crickets can bite and pester your baby beardies.
Also, remember to remove any dead insects that might be left in the enclosure. This prevents the build-up of waste and toxins in the terrarium.
You can just leave some greens in the terrarium for them to chow down on whenever they feel like it.
How often to feed adult bearded dragons?
Adult bearded dragons should be fed daily. They should get about 70% of their food from vegetables, and 30% or so from insects.
This isn’t an exact science, just stick to it roughly and you should be fine.
What supplements do bearded dragons need?
Bearded dragons need a mix of vitamins and calcium supplementation, in order to stay healthy.
You can usually find these supplements online or in a pet store. I’ll link to a few in the resources section as well, so you know which ones to get.
It’s important to provide baby bearded dragons with dusted insects about 3 times per week. This ensures that they get all the nutrients they need.
Dusting your insects in supplement can be done by adding them to a bag and then shaking the bag in order to cover them properly.
Adult bearded dragons only need supplementation about once per week.

How to feed bearded dragons
You can feed your bearded dragon in any normal bowl or container, as long as they can get to their food.
You may want them to eat out of your hand, and that’s fine too. Just watch your fingers and let them eat peacefully.
Side note: Bearded dragons may not eat when they are still cold. If you turn the heating lamps off at night, then it’s best to wait a little while till you feed them.
After feeding it’s also best to leave the lights on for an hour or two to help with digestion.
What can bearded dragons eat?
Bearded dragons can eat quite a varied diet. It’s always good to provide some variation to their diet, in order to provide them with all the vitamins and minerals they need.
Below is a list of some of the things that baby bearded dragons can eat:
- Crickets
- Apricots
- Courgettes
- Dubia roaches
- Peas
- Mealworms (may be a challenge for young beardies though)
- Green beans
- Sweat potato
- Locusts
- Pumpkin
- Papaya (very healthy for your bearded dragon)
- Brokkoli (not too much/often)
- Figs
- Peach
- Hornworms
- Carrots
- Celery
- Bell pepper
- Kiwi (on occasion. Citrus fruits aren’t ideal but more of a treat)
- Dates
- Butternut squash
- Kale
- Wax worms
- Plumbs
- King worms
- Parsnip
- Apple
- Mango
As you can tell, there’s quite a lot there to choose from!
What can baby bearded dragons eat?
When it comes to baby bearded dragons, it’s best to stay away from fruits like kiwi and broccoli too. Mainly insects and some of the more staple fruits and vegetables are best.
It’s still important to provide variation, but as they are little, they are a little more vulnerable.
How much should I feed my bearded dragon?
It’s best to feed your bearded dragon about 35-75 crickets per day, or the equivalent. Adults can eat anywhere between 10 and 20 crickets (or the equivalent) per day, as well as a selection of greens and fruits.
It’s best to keep track of their weight along with what you are feeding them. By doing this you’ll be in a much better position to judge the amount you need to feed them.
Some bearded dragons will eat more and others a little less. The only way you will know how much to feed them is by keeping track of it.
Are hornworms safe for bearded dragons to eat?
Hornworms are definitely safe for bearded dragons to eat. They are actually very nutritious for your beardy and are a staple insect you should feed them!
Can bearded dragons eat bananas?
They can, but it’s best not to give them bananas. They can cause problems with calcium uptake and therefore cause health issues in your beardy!
Can bearded dragons eat scrambled or boiled egg?
Bearded dragons can eat both scrambled and boiled egg. That being said, it’s best not to feed them too much and definitely not often. Eggs are very high in protein and are not so healthy for beardies.
It’s best to stick to the staple insects like crickets, mealworms, and hornworms when it comes to protein for your bearded dragon.
Can my bearded dragon eat dead crickets?
Don’t feed your bearded dragon dead crickets! Even though they technically can eat them, you do not know how long they have been dead for or why they died.
Crickets aren’t the cleanest of animals and should not be fed to bearded dragons once dead!
Can my bearded dragon eat lettuce or cucumber?
Both lettuce and cucumber are very water-rich and have little nutritional value. They can eat both these foods, but it’s much better to feed them nutritional food.
It’s definitely not a good idea to fill them up on lettuce or cucumber and should probably be avoided altogether.
Do I have to feed my bearded dragon every day?
Yes, bearded dragons should be fed at least once per day. If they are still young, they should be fed 2 or 3 times per day!
Bearded dragon shedding
Bearded dragons shed in order to be able to grow and replace old skin cells. This is much the same as in humans, except we don’t pull all our old skin cells off at once.
When they are young, bearded dragons shed almost weekly. They also consume vast amounts of food during this time.
This is both because of their rapid growth rate, and it’s completely normal for young bearded dragons to shed very often.
After this initial period of rapid shedding, bearded dragon shedding happens less often. After a year or two, they may only shed a few times per year. This is all completely normal.
How can I tell my bearded dragon is about to shed?
The easiest way to tell your bearded dragon is about to shed, is by looking at their skin color. Just after shedding, their skin color is at its most vibrant.
Once the skin starts getting duller and less vibrant, your bearded dragon is probably due for a shed sometime soon.
This happens as the old top layer of skin starts to loosen from the body of your beardie.
Proper feeding and lighting during the day-to-day life of your bearded dragon are pretty much all you need to do to ensure a proper shed when the day comes. In the wild, bearded dragons obviously don’t have humans to come and lend a helping hand either, so this shouldn’t be necessary in most cases.
Raising the humidity within the enclosure temporarily will help them to shed, however providing a humid hide when they start showing signs of shedding is preferred.
Along with a humid hide, make sure their water dish is the right size for them to bath in.
You don’t have to force your bearded dragon into the hide or bath, they will most likely automatically seek it out when they need it.
One last thing you need to include in your bearded dragons enclosure setup are a few things they can rub up against.
Things like branches and rocks are great for bearded dragons to remove stuck shed on. If you only have an enclosure with paper towels and rounded hides, your bearded dragon will find it difficult to remove the stuck shed.
With good nutrition and lighting, a nice moist hide and a water-dish they can just about fit inside (not underwater as they are not superb swimmers!) and some places for them to rub up against, your bearded dragon should be shedding well.
However, this isn’t always the case…
Bearded dragon shedding problems
Bearded dragon shedding problems are often just stuck shed.
If it’s just normal stuck shed, this is usually down to not providing correct nutrients, lighting, humidity or décor in your bearded dragon’s terrarium.
If the shed is stuck, try feeding them some water-rich and nutrient-rich foods. Also, go into the enclosure and check if you’ve given your beardie everything they need to shed properly.
If not, add it to the enclosure pronto. With a moist hide and all the other things applied, the stuck shed should be gone by a day or two.
If you are still experiencing issues with shedding, or you are sure that the issues are caused by something else, go and visit your vet.
Do bearded dragons stop eating when they start shedding?
Often, bearded dragons will stop eating when they are about to shed, or when they are shedding. This is common among many reptile species and as long as it is only during shedding, is perfectly natural.
If your bearded dragon stops eating randomly, then it’s best to visit the vet.

Bearded dragon diseases, illnesses and complications
Having a bearded dragon as a pet is wonderful, but it’s not always fun and games. As with most pets, you may experience some problems from time to time. These can be major health issues or minor inconveniences.
Since this bearded dragon is meant to be an as complete as possible recourse, we couldn’t leave out these common bearded dragon problems!
Bearded dragon tail rot
As you can image, a rotting tail can be very unpleasant and painful for your beardie. Tail rot is very common and spotting the symptoms early will help you to treat it as effectively as possible.
Failing to spot tail rot in your bearded dragon on time can result in the infection spreading. This can cause a loss of the tail and can even kill your bearded dragon if it isn’t treated.
How can you spot tail rot?
Tail rot will cause a dry and black tail. The tissue in the skin is dying and rotting, and this is also what it reflects. Make sure you know your beardie well, as this way you will easily be able to spot things like tail rot.
Preventing tail rot in your bearded dragon
To prevent tail rot, you need to make sure that your bearded dragon’s tail isn’t damaged by you, others or even by the décor in the terrarium. If the tail gets stood on or a hide falls on it, tail rot can pop up quite quickly.
Malnourishment and insufficient UVB lighting are also two major causes of tail rot in bearded dragons. Always make sure you feed your bearded dragons a balanced and healthy diet and make sure that you have the correct lighting installed in the terrarium.
If your bearded dragon has tail rot, it’s best to visit a vet. There are many home remedies out there, but the vet should be able to treat your bearded dragon effectively.
Bearded dragon mouth open
If your bearded dragon has its mouth open a lot, then this could say a few things. Luckily, this isn’t always something that you should be alarmed about.
Bearded dragons will open their mouth in order to aid in thermoregulation. Opening their mouth will slow down the heating process and allow them to stay at a more consistent temperature.
Your bearded dragon will often do this while they are basking, but they could do this in other situations too and it’s usually nothing to be worried about.
If your bearded dragon’s mouth is always open, it may be an idea to take them to the vet for a check-up. An open mouth can indicate respiratory disease, so if their mouth is always open its best to get it checked out, or ask your vet at your little beardies next check-up.
This being said, it is extremely normal behavior, especially during basking, so there is usually no need to be alarmed.
Bearded dragon runny poop
If your bearded dragon has runny poop, then this can mean a few different things. The first, and most common, is that something in your bearded dragon’s diet is causing the runny stool.
Bearded dragons can eat a lot of different things, and too little fiber can cause problems like runny stool.
Always check the diet your bearded dragon is getting first. Try to up the intake of insects and healthy vegetables for your bearded dragon. This should take care of the runny stool in no time.
Also, make sure to give your bearded dragon bottled water and not tap water. Tap water is another common culprit when it comes to runny stool in bearded dragons.
Tap water contains a whole host of chemicals that keep the water clean. These chemicals are reasonably safe for humans in small doses, but this is different for small animals like bearded dragons.
If you’ve dealt with both of these things, there are still a few things that could be causing your bearded dragon’s diarrhea. If you’ve dealt with both of these things, there are still a few things that could be causing your bearded dragon’s diarrhea.
Stress, a too low basking temperature, and insufficient UVB lighting are all relatively common culprits. If all of these things are set up well, then parasites may be the cause.
If this is the case, and dealing with the other possibilities doesn’t help, it’s best to visit the vet.
Bearded dragon yellow mouth
Bearded dragons with yellow mouths can indicate mouth rot. Again, I’m no vet so if your bearded dragon is showing symptoms then it’s best to visit your vet.
^^ This is a great article about bearded dragon mouth rot that may help you out.
Bearded dragon yellow fungus
Yellow fungus is a common cause of illness on bearded dragons. It starts small then eventually spreads if nothing is done. It’s a flesh-eating fungus… That name says enough.
If you want to learn more about this topic, I suggest this article^^.
Bearded dragon not moving
If your bearded dragon is not moving then this could have a wide range of causes. If they are just basking, and then start moving around after a little while then there’s nothing to worry about. You slouch around from time to time too, you know!
If your bearded dragon really isn’t moving however and is slow to respond to anything, you may have a problem on your hands!
You’ll notice the difference between them just taking a few hours “off” and them really not moving at all.
If your bearded dragon is showing signs of really refusing to move, then it’s best to visit your vet.
There can be a lot of different things causing this, from impaction to disease and if they are showing very odd behavior you shouldn’t be getting advice from a reptile blog like this one! ?
Bearded dragon not basking
If your bearded dragon is not basking, then it’s usually nothing to worry about. If they aren’t basking, check to see if your enclosure is at the right temperature, in a calm place that’s not too busy and that you are providing the right light sources.
If this is all right and your bearded dragon is still not basking, then it may be an idea to visit the vet to see if they can check if there’s anything wrong with them.
Well, that was a long one…
We’ve tried to be as thorough as possible in this bearded dragon care guide, but if there’s something that we’ve missed then we’d love to hear from you!
Hopefully, you’ve learned a lot and found what you were after. If not, feel free to leave a comment with your question!
Remember to enjoy your time with your beardie and keep on herping!